Tuesday, May 10, 2011

It's been a while..

SORRY I haven't blogged in FOREVER. It's the end of school and everything is winding down. I have never had so much work this entire year. I have 2 more yearbook pages, an english test tomorrow, an AP world history test thursday(trying to get that college credit), a geometry test on Friday. Man, this is one stressful week! Gahdiougkjhbdgiukjsdhgbosilfksjnfoisldkfhjsoiflhjsoiflhsiuwgghiuhjsfjfs <--- sorry, that was me venting. I don't know why all my teachers decide to actually give us tests and projects and junk when we only have like 2 weeks of school left. Ummmmm, don't they realize no one is trying/caring anymore? Obviously not. well i should go study. Summer is so close, i can taste it. Finaaaaaaaallllyyyyyyyy:))

Thanks for listening to me vent, if you did:) 
Forever&Always, Sarah Benge

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